【樂人推介】Telescope 新專輯首演直播 - 海島小輪 Sea Island & Ferry

O 2020/05/25    瀏覽: 6313 次

Telescope #PremiereFromHome

新專輯首演 Facebook 直播

傳送門: https://bit.ly/2ZASNNe

(English below)

過去12個月,香港經歷種種的困難,包括近月的新型冠狀病毒疫情。因此,我們在本地的演出機會變得稀少。但同時,我們更集中精神於錄音室的製作。 相隔兩年,我們終於可以在今年5月推出新專輯《Telescope》,名稱是「天文望遠鏡」的意思。



購票: https://www.popticket.hk/event/PremiereFromHome

Due to difficult situations in our city, including the COVID-19 pandemic in recent months, we have performed only very occasionally in the past year. This has nonetheless meant some productive time spent in the studio, and we are now ready to release our second album “Telescope” in May 2020, after an interval of more than two years.

We are excited to present an intimate premiere performance of the full “Telescope” album through a quality live cast. Please make yourself comfortable and watch it from home, or wherever you may be.

Access to the live cast is free, but your choice to purchase a ticket or album on POPTICKET will help fund the show, thereby supporting us, and the good people who will handle the cameras and technology. Ticket sales will also help us recover studio costs, while our other performance engagements remain uncertain.

We appreciate your support, of all magnitudes.
Action: https://www.popticket.hk/en/event/PremiereFromHome